In January 2003, "Terere," a cafe broadcast system
born in France and raised in Osaka, was launched locally.
It is a system, not a venue. The name derives from a Paraguayan
word meaning "tea time." The mastermind behind "Terere,"
Shimonobo Shuko, stumbled on cafe broadcasts by groups like
Televocal while on an observational trip to Paris two years
ago. Collecting films from a variety of genres, including
cartoons and documentaries, on one 60-minute video, the Paris
group distributed copies to some 20 cafes and bars (a casual
spot for a quick drink in France), where the tapes were shown.
What Shimonobo found was that everyone would gather around
excitedly before the screening was set to start and, with
a drink in their hand, would watch very intently. The films
that were shown included documentaries of protest marches
and artistic works that were produced by local citizens' groups.
The louder the laughter in the venue grew, the more popular
the films were with the patrons. Determined to start up a
similar system back home in Osaka, Shimonobo has at last made
"Terere" a reality. And particularly in light of
the current broadband era, with people being brought together
more and more through visual imagery, directly exchanging
information and dispatching information of their own, it is
clear that the lives of the people who have enjoyed the films
and the people who have organized "Terere" are being
enriched by listening to the voices of others with different
viewpoints in the course of their daily activities. At present,
ten people are involved in presenting the events - which are
being staged at nine venues.